Friday 18 January 2019

Friday 18th January

On Tuesday off this week we had a music lesson. We started the lesson by trying to identify the sound of the individually xylophone pieces that we had, trying to tune our ears into the pitch. After that we got into groups and wrote our own pieces of music using the same xylophone pieces. At the end of the lesson we performed.

On Wednesday we had a French lesson. At the start of the lesson we were given cards with pictures of classroom objects on them and cards with the French names for classroom objects on them. Our job was to try to match these up, first without having done any revision and then having been allowed to have a look at the answer sheet. To end the lesson, we played a game of ‘Qu'est-ce que c'est?’ (What is it?). In this game the children had to take turns drawing the classroom objects on the board and the rest of the class had to try and guess what they were drawing but give their answer in French.

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