Saturday, 5 November 2016

Home Learning
Friday 4th November

English - This week I have decided to give you some handwriting practice in the form of a firework poem. Your job is to read the poem ‘Firework Night’ by Enid Blyton (see if you can work out what animal the poem is speaking for) and then trace over the words, taking care to notice the way in which the letters are joined. The poem has been stuck in your home leaning book. 

Maths I have stuck a worksheet in your home learning book to complete that builds on what we have done on time together in class (and on the playground) this week.

Spellings - I want you to learn these and expect to be tested on them but I’m not going to say when. You will have 5 spellings a week to learn and your tests could be on any spellings from any week!

What we have done this week

Mr Knights now visits us on a Monday instead of a Friday and so we now make sure we have our PE kits in school on a Monday and a Tuesday. This week our session with him was all about communication, listening and working as a team, all things that Class 3 showed we can do very well when we put our minds to it as the first four pictures show.

The next two pictures show us starting our new topic in science for this half term which is 'light and shadows'. On Monday we split into groups and put some items underneath a cardboard box. We then put a hole in the top of our boxes and looked through to see what we could see. We then made more holes in our boxes and asked again what we could see and why? Finally we got some torches, shining them through the holes we had made to see if this made the picture inside the box any clearer and, once more, asked why we thought this was?

The remaining pictures shown in this week's blog highlight our Maths focus, from Wednesday onwards, of time. Specifically the pictures show Friday's lesson. We went outside onto the playground and in our groups of two or three our first job was to draw an analogue clock on the ground using chalk and a big PE hoop. Our clocks showed a time of our choosing to the nearest five minutes. We then had to move onto a clock that another group had drawn and next to it draw a digital clock face showing the same time but in a.m. form. After this we moved on once more and the next thing we added next to our clocks was another digital clock this time showing p.m. time. When we swapped clocks for the final time our last job was to write the time in words. All groups therefore created three clock faces showing different times throughout the lesson and also converted the time shown on their last into written time. 


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