Saturday, 26 November 2016

Friday 25th November
Home Learning

English: This week I want you to create your own dictionary. I have stuck several common words in your home learning book and your task is to define (say what it means) as many of them as you can in your own words. Don’t just copy from a dictionary and remember that words are always listed in alphabetical order in dictionaries.

Maths: This week all I want you to do is find 5 items around your house, that are under 30cm in length, and I want you to measure them. List the items you have chosen to measure in your home learning book and tell me what their length is to the nearest mm.

Spellings: You also have another 5 spellings this week.

What we have do this week

The pictures you can see above are of our science lesson this week. It had been a couple of weeks since our last science lesson so we started our lesson by recapping what we had done in our previous lessons on light. We did this by getting into teams of four and completing a ‘Light Quiz’. Each team had a team captain and on the board there were multiple choice questions with an answer on the right and an answer on the left. The team captain’s job was to hold up their left or right card depending on which answer their team had chosen to select. If they selected correctly their team would win a point and 2 teams managed to score ten out of ten!

Next we talked about what happens when light reflects off of something (it is bouncing off of it), and the different types of things that reflect light really well. One of the things we came up with was a mirror which led us onto our main activity. 

For a start each of us wrote down a short message on a piece of paper. We then got our mirrors, put them in a position to reflect our messages and copied down the message as the mirror was showing it. After erasing our original message we were each just left with our mirror code messages, which we put our names on and swapped with one of our classmates. Our classmates’ job was to decode our message and then come and tell us what it said.

Once all messages had been decoded, we sat back on the carpet and discussed some of the reasons why we thought our messages looked different in their reflections. We learnt that the explanation for this was that because a mirror is a highly polished, shiny surface, light reflects (bounces) off it at the same angle that it hits it. This means that when we look at it, we see the image of an object reflected, but the image is back to front, e.g. the mirror writing! 

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