Friday, 11 November 2016

Home Learning
Friday 11th November

English - This week I have stuck your next ‘Grammar Hammer’ challenge in your home learning books. Try your best to answer each question just as if you were completing it in class.

Maths - I have stuck in some ‘Countdown Maths’ for you to have a go at. Your target number is 38 and you have 6 numbers beneath it that you can add, subtract, multiply, and divide by each other in order to reach it. The rule is however that you can only use each number once. Have a go and see how close you can get and, if you do find a way of making 38, have another go to see if you can find another way of doing it. Record all of your calculations in your book.

Spellings - You have another 5 spellings this week. It has been pointed out to me that it is hard to learn the spellings when they are stuck in home learning books because these have to be returned to school during the week. Therefore from now on spellings will be stapled in reading journals

What we have done this week

With Mr Knights this week we were practising our communication skills. First of all we stood on a bench in our teams. The aim of this game was to get the person from the back to the front of the bench without anyone stepping off and in as quick a time as possible. This involved team members giving each other clear instructions and helping each other by working together to work out the most efficient way forwards. The next task Mr Knights gave us was to try and use our listening skills to find him somewhere in the hall while we were blindfolded. Mr Knights would whisper hello and we had to follow his voice to find him.

We have been busy in Maths this week as we continue to practise our times tables. This week in particular we have been concentrating on division and multiplication facts. The pictures of some of us knocking down skittles is just one of the ways that we have been playing around with our times tables. This specific activity meant us valuing the skittles as being worth 2, 5 or 10 and then multiplying this number by the number of skittle we knocked over.

Our final couple of pictures show us getting ready for next Monday which is our Greek workshop day. On Thursday afternoon we had a go at making some Greek headdresses which we can now wear as part of what I am sure are going to be some amazing costumes.

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