Friday 3rd March
Home Learning
English: This
week for your English I would like you to write a
character description of ‘Halibut Jackson’. I want your description to include
four headings: ‘Personality (what is he like as a person?)’, ‘Physical
Appearance (what does he look like?)’, ‘My favourite thing about Halibut
Jackson is … because…’ and ‘My least favourite thing about Halibut Jackson is …
because…’ Have a go at writing your
descriptions under these headings in as much detail as you can.
Maths: For
Maths this week I would like everyone to
complete the times tables grids that I have stuck in your home learning books.
If you really want to impress me with this then time yourself completing the
grids and write your time (in minutes and seconds) in your home learning book
so I can see how well you did.
Spellings: You also have another 5 spellings this week.
What we have done this week
The first three pictures in this week's blog show a little bit of what was happening during our parent share morning on Tuesday. In the activity pictured you can see some of us completing a book review on a simple book. Other activities that were available on Tuesday morning were a contractions matching activity involving some silly words, a sentence uplevelling activity involving our 'Sentence Doctor books' and a speaking and listening activity where we had to guess what was being said in the silly animal pictures. I really enjoyed the morning and would like to thank everyone who attended for coming.
The next six pictures were also taken on Tuesday. At Wenhaston Primary, to celebrate Shrove Tuesday we had some whole school pancake races. Everybody joined the house they belong to and lined up behind their house mates ready to grab the tennis racket shaped frying pan and run as fast as they could to their teams cone and back without dropping the pancake.
Thursday was 'World Book Day' and all week we have been building up to the event by linking a number of our lessons to our chosen school book 'Halibut Jackson'. The story is about a little boy who designs clothes that blend into the background so that when he wears them people won't notice him. However people do eventually notice him and the first thing they notice is how talented he is and they ask him to make clothes for them as well. It has been a really nice book and message to explore all week and on Thursday everyone got the chance to dress in the clothes of their favourite story characters.
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