Friday 24th March
Home Learning
English: This
week for your English I would like you to create a root word diagram like the one pictured
in your home learning book. The root word that you base your diagram on is your
choice and then you have to think about what prefixes and suffixes you can add
to your root word in order to create your diagram. The root word diagram with
the most words coming off of it will be the winner. The winning diagram
designer will win 5 house points and all entries must be handed in on Monday if
they want to win.
Maths: For
Maths this week I would like you to come up with as many of your own questions on
converting measurements as you can think of. Try to make them challenging while
still making them ones you would be able to answer yourself. I have stuck some
example questions in your home learning book.
Spellings: You also have another 5 spellings this week.
What we have done this week
This week in our science lesson we built some simple circuits. We split into groups of 3 or 4 and first
designed a circuit each, drawing it scientifically with the correct symbols. We
were then given 3 wires, a battery, a bulb and a motor. As groups we then made
each other’s designs one at a time. Once we had done this, we returned our
bulbs, one of our wires and our motors and were given a buzzer. We then used
our knowledge, that completing the circuit would sound the buzzer and breaking
it would turn the buzzer off, to sound the buzzer when we wanted to in order to
answer quiz questions on electricity.
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