Friday 2nd November
we worked in groups of four and each group had a large place value grid on
their table and lots of counters. On the interactive whiteboard was a game
called ‘Number Strength’ which challenges the children with lots of different
mental maths problems. Each group had to answer 5 mental addition questions, 5
subtraction, 5 multiplication, 5 division and a final round of 10 mixed
questions. After each group of 5 or 10 questions, the teams were told how many
seconds they took to answer the questions correctly. The teams then had to
represent the number of seconds they took using their place value grids and
their counters. After each round they completed, they had to add on the seconds
they took to complete that round to their overall total. This meant moving
counters on the place value grid and crossing over from units to tens and tens
to hundreds. Once all five rounds had been completed by each team, then the
team which the smallest overall total of seconds were the winners.
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