Friday, 30 November 2018

Friday 30th November

Below is the learning objective, success criteria and pictures from our maths lesson on Monday.

26/11/18 – LO: Today I will become a better mathematician by practicing my times tables.

Each group will be challenged with times tables loop cards in this lesson. The aim with loop cards is to join the answer on ½ of one card to the question on one half of another. If the group has completed the loop cards challenge correctly then the cards should join up in a loop. Once a group has completed the ‘Good’ level loop, they should move onto the ‘Better’ level loop and then finally the ‘Best’ level loop.

Good – I know my 2, 5 and 10 times tables.

Better – I know my 3 and 4 times tables.

Best – I know my 6, 7, 8 and 9 times tables.

Friday, 23 November 2018

Friday 23rd November

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas! This means that it's time for the Class 3 Christmas advent calendar to be made. Each child has this week made a numbered door and all of these have been stuck up on the wall. Each child has also been photoed while covered in Christmas decorations (hidden face examples below) and that photo has been stuck behind one of the numbered doors. The children will now have to wait to find out which door their picture is behind (the doors have been pinned shut), at the very least until December 1st or they may have a longer wait. 

Friday, 16 November 2018

Friday 16th November

13/11/18 – French:

-‘What’s your name?’ (Comment tu t'appelles-tu?)

-‘My name is…’ (Je'mappelle...)

-‘Who is it?’ (Qui est-ce?)

-‘He is called…’ (Il s'appelle...)

-‘She is called…’ (Elle s'appelle...)

We learnt these phrases by acting out a short sketch, in groups of three, in which one partner visited the other two’s house.

Friday, 9 November 2018

Friday 9th November

Our Roman Day

The day started with a talk from our Roman visitor about the start and the spread of the Roman empire.

We were then taught some more about Roman life and got to hold, touch and ask questions about items which Romans would have used 2000 years ago. 

After this we moved into the classroom and played a Roman game called Delta. In this game players took turns sliding counters into the target area. The target area was labelled with Roman numerals which represented how many points you won if you got your counter to land in that section.

Our second classroom activity was a Roman quiz. We were given a question sheet and our job was to find the answers that were printed on the different boards around the room.

In the afternoon we learnt more about the life of a Roman soldier and got to see some Roman armour and weaponry close up. We also recreated a Roman battle scene and a gladiator fight in an arena with an emperor watching on and deciding the fate of the gladiators.

Friday, 2 November 2018

Friday 2nd November

Today we worked in groups of four and each group had a large place value grid on their table and lots of counters. On the interactive whiteboard was a game called ‘Number Strength’ which challenges the children with lots of different mental maths problems. Each group had to answer 5 mental addition questions, 5 subtraction, 5 multiplication, 5 division and a final round of 10 mixed questions. After each group of 5 or 10 questions, the teams were told how many seconds they took to answer the questions correctly. The teams then had to represent the number of seconds they took using their place value grids and their counters. After each round they completed, they had to add on the seconds they took to complete that round to their overall total. This meant moving counters on the place value grid and crossing over from units to tens and tens to hundreds. Once all five rounds had been completed by each team, then the team which the smallest overall total of seconds were the winners.

Friday, 5 October 2018

Friday 5th October

This week Class 3 children have continued to produce some wonderful home learning. This is exemplified by our excellent model below showing off his home-made Roman soldier helmet.

In class, our art work has also taken on a Roman theme. Below you can see that some of us have now started to paint our Roman mosaics using the square printing style that we saw when researching examples of Roman mosaics.

Friday, 28 September 2018

Friday 28th September

All week the children have been completing the task that you can see pictured below. For this task all of the children had to learn the Roman myth ‘Romulus and Remus’ which is the untrue story of how Rome was created. The reason they had to learn the myth is because their challenge was to retell the whole story out loud and they weren’t allowed to simply read it off of the page. All that they were allowed in order to help them remember the story was a story map which they had to make themselves. Their story maps had to contain mostly pictures and they were only allowed to write key words like character and place names on their story maps.