Sunday, 25 June 2017

Friday 23rd June
Home Learning

This week more of you will find that you are receiving your home learning in stapled packs. This is because some of you have filled up your home learning books and there is no more room for me to stick your tasks in. If you have filled up your home learning book (well done) this is how you will receive your home learning for the rest of this school year. 

English: This week for your English I have given you a task based on Mr Stink. The sheet will be in either your home learning book or your pack, follow the instructions on it to complete your English task.
Maths: For Maths this week I have given you another problem in your home learning book or pack. Read the problem and see if you can work out some solutions. Don’t forget to check that your answers make sense when you read the question again.

What we have done this week

On Friday we had a ‘fractions snap tournament’ in class. Each pair had a pack of cards which had various ways of representing different fractions (pictures, words and numerator and denominator) printed on them. Other than the cards it was a normal game of snap where if the subsequent card equalled the same answer as the one before it was a ‘snap’. The time playing against the same partner was marked by a timer and when the time was up pairs would switch around.

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