Thursday, 25 May 2017

Friday 5th May
Home Learning

English: This week for your English I would like you to complete the pronouns worksheet that I have stuck in your home learning books.
Maths: For Maths this week I have stuck a time problem in your home learning books. Read the problem and see how far you get when trying to answer the three questions.

Spellings: You also have another 5 spellings this week.

What we have done this week

In maths on Friday we got into groups and were asked to solve the puzzle of the ‘time loop cards’. As you can see in the picture above these cards acted like dominoes because the written time on the end of one card had to match the 24 hour digital time at the start of the other in order for the two cards to match. Our aim was to create one big ‘loop’ using all of our cards.

In science this week we did four activities. We were trying to prove that gases are materials. Firstly all together as a class, to prove this point, we weighed a flat balloon then blew it up and weighed it again. The blown up balloon weighed more, proving that air does weigh something. We then split up into groups to do three more activities. In the first activity we poured water into containers full of sand and stones. The evidence that gases are materials from this activity was the fact that we could see them as bubbles in the water. In the second activity we first tried to squash empty bottles with the lids screwed on tight, we then tried to squash the same bottles with the lids taken off. With the lid on we couldn’t squash the bottle but with the lid off we could, posing the question ‘if air isn’t a material how did it stop us from squashing the bottle?’ In our final activity we proved that our noses can detect gas particles and we thought ‘if we can smell it then it must be matter’. We covered tissue paper in scented sun cream and members of the groups took in turns hiding the tissue paper from each other. The other members then had to find it again using just their sense of smell.

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