Saturday, 27 May 2017

Friday 26th May
Home Learning

It is the half term holidays and so I am not giving you any home learning to do this week. Enjoy your time off, I hope you all have a lovely nine days and I forward to hearing all out about them when we see each other again on the 5th June.

What we have done this week

Our focus this half term with Mr Knights has been rounders, as we used our PE lessons to build up to the tournament that took place on Tuesday of this week. Me, Mr Knights and Mrs Sparkes were all very impressed with how Class 3's rounders skills improved session upon session and all this practise resulted in a very good showing by Wenhaston at the tournament. On Thursday this week Mr Knights organised some kick rounders for us, which Class 3 had great fun playing in the sunshine. 

On Friday we finished reading Billionaire boy and at the end of the book there is a postscript telling us about what happened to the characters in the story next. I displayed this postscript on the board but next to the pictures of four of the characters there was no information. This is because I had hidden it from Class 3 challenging them to come up with their own ideas on what happened to 'Lauren', 'Miss Spite', 'The Grubbs' and 'Mrs Trafe' next. In the pictures above you can see some of the children sharing what they wrote with the rest of the class.  

At the very start of this term I posted pictures of the children creating some things for our classroom to match our Mr Stink and Billionaire Boy theme. It occurred to me recently that I never posted the end results of the our hard work to get the Class 3 classroom ready for this term's topic. Therefore above I have posted pictures of our very own: 'Joe Spud' (Billionaire) and his pile of money bursting out from his suitcase; 'Mr Stink' hiding in our shed and 'Bumfresh' toilet rolls hanging up in our classroom, all fresh and flowery to help block out the smell of Mr Stink.   

Thursday, 25 May 2017

Friday 19th May
Home Learning

English: This week for your English I would like you to complete the Mr Stink criss cross puzzle which I have stuck in your home learning books. Use the clues to help you fill in the letter spaces next to each number and, once you have worked out each clue, the hidden word should be revealed.

Maths: For Maths this week I have stuck another problem in your home learning books. Read the problem and see if you can work out one of the possible answers.

What we have done this week

As well as completing our own water cycle diagrams we also did some other activities in order to achieve our science learning objective this week. One of these activities involved cold mirrors (which had been put in the fridge at the start of the day) and asking the question ‘what happens when you breathe onto a mirror?’ We decided that what we could see and feel when we did this were water droplets and that the water had come from the water vapour in the air from our lungs. This process is called condensation and we learnt that these changes in the state of water (by evaporation and condensation) are reversible changes.

We then talked through the process of the water cycle and completed our diagrams before trying to remember what we had learnt by learning the ‘water cycle song’.
Friday 5th May
Home Learning

English: This week for your English I would like you to complete the pronouns worksheet that I have stuck in your home learning books.
Maths: For Maths this week I have stuck a time problem in your home learning books. Read the problem and see how far you get when trying to answer the three questions.

Spellings: You also have another 5 spellings this week.

What we have done this week

In maths on Friday we got into groups and were asked to solve the puzzle of the ‘time loop cards’. As you can see in the picture above these cards acted like dominoes because the written time on the end of one card had to match the 24 hour digital time at the start of the other in order for the two cards to match. Our aim was to create one big ‘loop’ using all of our cards.

In science this week we did four activities. We were trying to prove that gases are materials. Firstly all together as a class, to prove this point, we weighed a flat balloon then blew it up and weighed it again. The blown up balloon weighed more, proving that air does weigh something. We then split up into groups to do three more activities. In the first activity we poured water into containers full of sand and stones. The evidence that gases are materials from this activity was the fact that we could see them as bubbles in the water. In the second activity we first tried to squash empty bottles with the lids screwed on tight, we then tried to squash the same bottles with the lids taken off. With the lid on we couldn’t squash the bottle but with the lid off we could, posing the question ‘if air isn’t a material how did it stop us from squashing the bottle?’ In our final activity we proved that our noses can detect gas particles and we thought ‘if we can smell it then it must be matter’. We covered tissue paper in scented sun cream and members of the groups took in turns hiding the tissue paper from each other. The other members then had to find it again using just their sense of smell.
Friday 28th April
Home Learning

English: This week for your English I would like you to continue your character profile of Raj. I have the stuck the sheet with the four sub-headings in your home learning book so that you can look at them and write your paragraphs for the sub-headings that you didn’t manage to complete in class.
Maths: For Maths this week I would like you to complete the missing number column method problems that I have stuck in your home learning book. 

Spellings: You also have another 5 spellings this week.

What we have done this week

The pictures in this week's blog are of us enjoying our first science lesson of our new science topic, 'States of Matter'. In Thursday's lesson we got into groups of 3 or 4, each group having two big hoops overlapped to make a big Venn diagram. One side of the diagram was labelled solids, the other liquids, with an area in the middle for anything we weren’t sure about. We were then given pictures of a variety of materials (wood, metal, plastic, sugar, salt, stones, fruit, bicarbonate of soda, water, washing up liquid, milk, honey, vinegar, juice, shaving foam and jelly). Our job was to sort these materials, matching them with the states they belong to.
Friday 21st April
Home Learning

I have sent home a sheet for you all to fill in this week. This sheet asks you to describe your Easter holidays. Fill in the different sections and return it to school before Thursday next week. Return it on Monday for a house point.

Spellings: You also have another 5 spellings this week.

What we have done this week

In these first three days back after the Easter holidays we have been very busy in class 3. We have a new topic of 'Inventions' and we are linking this to two books. These books are 'Mr Stink' and 'Billionaire Boy' and they are both by the author David Walliams. The reason we have been so busy is because we are trying to transform our classroom to fit with our topics. We have had to create: a massive pile of money; a Mr Stink; a Joe Spud (Billionaire Boy); some 'Bumfresh' toilet rolls to hang from the ceiling (and to block out the smell of Mr Stink); a shed to hide Mr Stink in and some inspirational quote signs to help us with our inventions. Class 3 have done a brilliant job of creating all of these things and the classroom is really starting to take shape because of their hard work.