Sunday, 15 January 2017

Friday 13th January
Home Learning

English: This week I want you to identify the main and subordinate clause in each of the 4 sentences I have given you. The task is explained fully in your home learning books and there is also a definition of each of these clauses should you need reminding what they are.

Maths: This week some of you have been tasked with naming 5 3D shapes and their properties, while others have been given a sheet full of statements about shapes. Some of these statements are true and some of them are false and your job is to choose a colour to colour the ones you think are true and a colour to colour the ones you think are false.

Spellings: You also have another 5 spellings this week.

What we have done this week

Our new topic for this term is the the Americas. The pictures above show Class 3 working in pairs to find out the location of different US states on a map. Each pair had 3 A3 sheets each. One showed a map of the US with just the initials of the states labelled. Another showed a table with all of the initials labelled and the final sheet was another map, this time displaying the actual names of the states. Our job was to match up the initials to the state names on the maps and then correctly identify and list them on our tables. In Class 3 we have shown a great enthusiasm towards our topic so far and we are looking forward to building on our knowledge of the Americas as the weeks go on.  

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