Friday 27th January
Home Learning
English: This
week for your English I have stuck in the marked versions of your entry to the
‘BBC 500 Word Story Competition’. I have done this so that you can re-read what
you have written and see where you could improve your story. There is still
time to submit your story into the competition if you haven’t yet done so, via
the website that was given out with last week’s home learning. To those who
have already submitted (well done) I would like you to design a poster
displaying all of the rules that you can remember for punctuating direct
Maths: For
Maths this week some of you have been given the task of converting pounds to
pence and pence to pounds, carrying on from our work on money this week. I
would like everyone else to have a go at solving the 3 word money problems that
I have stuck in your books.
Spellings: You also have another 5 spellings this week.
What we have done this week
The first picture in this week's blog shows us playing with some 'roamers'. Playing with these allowed us to think more about our maths work we were doing last week, where we were concentrating on degrees of turn. We had three roamer bots and in groups we were challenged to program them to reach different targets. This involved us having to think about how many degrees we needed to make our roamer turn.
The rest of the pictures in this week's blog show our lesson on Friday when we wrote some book reviews about a chosen short story. The book review templates that we used are the ones that we will be bringing into our daily guided reading sessions and so Friday's English lesson was a chance for us to practice reviewing a simple book (for a start) in this way. For this practice, the book reviews were blown up to A3 size and we completed them in pairs. The end results were some lovely pieces of reading comprehension that we can now proudly display in Class 3.