Friday, 7 October 2016

Home Learning
Friday 30th September

English - This week I have stuck four questions in your home learning books. These questions are: ‘What is a verb?’, ‘What is an adverb?’, ‘What is an adverbial phrase?’ and ‘What is a fronted adverbial?’ Try your best to answer these questions and give an example for each one.

Maths - For Maths I have stuck three irregular 2D shapes in your home learning books. Your job is to write as many things about these shapes as you can, making sure you are using mathematical language (for example, you might say how many acute or obtuse angles each shape has).

Spellings - I want you to learn these and expect to be tested on them but I’m not going to say when. You will have 5 spellings a week to learn and your tests could be on any spellings from any week!

What we have done this week

The pictures above highlight what an unusual week we have had in Class 3 this week. This is because on Monday and Tuesday we worked very hard to not just create a 3D BFG display, but also a 3D giant peach! The process took a long time as we had to use scrunched up newspaper (and a lot of busy artists) to build up the shape of both the BFG and the peach. Once we had done this our next job was to add colour using coloured tissue paper and a lot of glue. Everyone took responsibility for making sure we covered the entire BFG and peach and knew exactly how we wanted it to look having decided on the designs altogether. The BFG took longer to cover in coloured tissue paper than the peach but those of us working on the peach still had another job to do, as we still had to create the illusion of 5000 seagulls for our display. Led by the guidance of our self-appointed management team we were able to create enough seagulls for our display, a display that is starting to take shape as you can see from the last picture.

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