Friday, 21 October 2016

Friday 21st October

I haven't set any home learning for your week off but keep on reading at home and the more spelling and times table practice you can fit in the better prepared you will be for next half term. Having said this, your main job over the coming week is to make sure you have a lovely holiday and have lots of stories to share with your friends when you come back to school.

What we have done this week

Our week in Class 3 has consisted of a mixture of end of half term assessments, a visit to another school for the day and relatively little (compared to usual) in class time. Despite this, the first few pictures on this week's blog show us practicing our times tables using number fans. Any member of Class 3 will be able to demonstrate how we practice our times tables daily using 'Stick 'm' Up' and the number fans were simply a different way of us practicing our 3 times tables.

In English we have been learning about how to write newspaper reports and on Friday it was time to have a go at writing one. Some of Class 3 then felt confident enough to share their reports with the rest of the class and help spark some ideas in others.

On Thursday we visited Ilketshall St Lawrence school, joining together with the other schools in the area for a creative arts day. The day included a dreamcatcher making workshop, a singing and dancing workshop and a drama workshop. There was also some halloween themed origami ready and waiting for us to have a go at when we first arrived. 

Halloween was also the theme for our Friday PE session with Mr Knights as he planned some fun games for us involving zombies and pumpkins and the like.        

Friday, 14 October 2016

Home Learning
Friday 14th October

English - This week I have stuck your next ‘Grammar Hammer’ challenge in your home learning books. Try your best to answer each question just as if you were completing it in class.

Maths - I have stuck three Sudoku puzzles in your home learning books along with an explanation of what a Sudoku puzzle is and how it should be completed. There are 3 because I wanted to give you the option of choosing which one you complete. You can think of the smallest one as a pink challenge, the second smallest as a green challenge and the biggest as a black challenge.

Spellings - I want you to learn these and expect to be tested on them but I’m not going to say when. You will have 5 spellings a week to learn and your tests could be on any spellings from any week!

What we have done this week

This week in Maths we have been doing some work on doubling and halving. The first couple of pictures that you can see in this week’s blog show us playing a maths game where, for a start, one team member stood in the middle with a ball. That team member then threw the ball to one of their teammates on the outside of the circle and called out a number. The teammate on the outside then threw the ball back saying what the number they were given is doubled. If they got it right then they got to sit down, if they got it wrong they had to stay standing. The first team with all outside of the circle members sitting down were the winners.

Our English work this week has taken on a harvest theme, building up to our harvest festival celebration. I set class 3 the difficult task of imagining they had been to the harvest festival (when they hadn’t yet) and writing a newspaper report on the events that took place. The last couple of pictures show us getting ready for our harvest festival performance with Mrs Bowles.

Friday, 7 October 2016

Home Learning
Friday 30th September

English - This week I have stuck four questions in your home learning books. These questions are: ‘What is a verb?’, ‘What is an adverb?’, ‘What is an adverbial phrase?’ and ‘What is a fronted adverbial?’ Try your best to answer these questions and give an example for each one.

Maths - For Maths I have stuck three irregular 2D shapes in your home learning books. Your job is to write as many things about these shapes as you can, making sure you are using mathematical language (for example, you might say how many acute or obtuse angles each shape has).

Spellings - I want you to learn these and expect to be tested on them but I’m not going to say when. You will have 5 spellings a week to learn and your tests could be on any spellings from any week!

What we have done this week

The pictures above highlight what an unusual week we have had in Class 3 this week. This is because on Monday and Tuesday we worked very hard to not just create a 3D BFG display, but also a 3D giant peach! The process took a long time as we had to use scrunched up newspaper (and a lot of busy artists) to build up the shape of both the BFG and the peach. Once we had done this our next job was to add colour using coloured tissue paper and a lot of glue. Everyone took responsibility for making sure we covered the entire BFG and peach and knew exactly how we wanted it to look having decided on the designs altogether. The BFG took longer to cover in coloured tissue paper than the peach but those of us working on the peach still had another job to do, as we still had to create the illusion of 5000 seagulls for our display. Led by the guidance of our self-appointed management team we were able to create enough seagulls for our display, a display that is starting to take shape as you can see from the last picture.