Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Tuesday 3rd May-Friday 6th May

In our P.E lessons we have been working in teams to complete challenges. This week we were moving in our boats (hoops) across shark infested waters, hoping to reach the other island. Above are some pictures of how we did it.

Bob the dog has also been visiting us this week in class 3. Some of us read with him on our story chair.

At lunch time some of us have made lego creations. Here is what we came up with.

Home Learning
Friday 6th May
English- We have been reading James and the Giant Peach in class since the start of term. We have noticed how James’ feelings have changed throughout the book; from feeling sad to feeling happier after discovery the peach. I would like you to complete the time line activity for your home learning this week. You may want to draw pictures and write sentences below on a bigger format to the one I have given you.
Maths- This week you have 2 money games to play on active learn. If you are unable to play these games at home, there will be time on Tuesday during lunch time to complete them.

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