Friday, 24 May 2019

Friday 24th May

On Monday this week we had a P.S.H.E lesson on the importance of everybody in school and the job they do. 

Activity 1 – Pass the Ball Game

In a circle sitting on the floor with our legs outstretched, we had to pass the ball around the circle, including everyone, but we were not allowed to use our hands and we had to make sure that the ball didn’t touch the floor. We did it once as quickly as we could (1.04 mins) and then, as a group discussed how we could do it even quicker. After discussing this, we had another go and achieved a quicker time (25 secs). This prompted a discussion about the ‘Teamwork Skills’ that we used in order to knock 39 seconds off our time. We decided we needed everybody in the class in order to achieve as well as we did, take one person out of the circle and our method would have worked so well.

Activity 2 – Job Roles

We discussed some of the different jobs that people do at our school: head  teacher, teacher, teaching assistant, cleaner, lunchtime supervisor, etc. Picking from some cards showing these job roles, one person had to try and mime the job role while the rest of the class guessed what job they were miming. This then developed into us getting into pairs and each being given a specific job role to analyse. We analysed the job role by writing down 3 bullet points how what the person, whose job role this is at our school, does to help us learn. Pairs then had to read out their bullet points and the rest of the class had to, once again, guess the job role they had been given. We then discussed which job role was the most important at our school, lining the roles up at the front of the class, but we decided that this was an impossible choice because take one job role away and this would mean another person wouldn’t be able to work as well.

Activity 3 – What do I do to help people learn at our school?

Lastly, we gathered in a circle on chairs and took turns saying what we think we do at school in order to help people learn, as we tried to understand the importance of our own roles at school and the difference we make.

Friday, 17 May 2019

Friday 16th May

On thursday of this week, we had a French/Music lesson. The lesson started off with us revising the French words for listen (ecoutez), touch (touchez), look (regardez) and give (donnez). After this we took turns using these commands to play Simon says (or Simon dit). 

It was then time for the music part of our lesson as we learnt the English and French lyrics to the French lullaby ‘Frère Jacques (Are You Sleeping)?’ We started by singing the song all together as a class, in both English and French, and then we split into two groups with one group singing the English version at the same time as the other group were singing the French version. We also sung the two versions as a round with the two groups starting and finishing at different times, as well as giving the children the chance to come up with their own creative versions of how to sing the song.

Friday, 3 May 2019

Friday 3rd May

This term in Class 3 we have started reading a new book during our English lessons, 'Varjak Paw' by SF Said. The book is about a cat called Varjak Paw and on Monday, after reading the first two chapters of the book, the class was split into 4 groups of 5. Each group were asked to consider the relationship between Varjak and the five key members of his family: Mother, Father, Jasmine, Julius and Elder Paw. Every member of each group chose a family member to play and came up with a 'freeze frame' of that character during a family discussion when Varjak was telling them about something extraordinary he’d seen. The groups showed their freeze frames in front of the class and each child voiced what they thought their character would be saying at this ‘frozen moment in time’. Each of them then wrote this thought in a thought bubble.