Friday 26th April
Welcome to Class 3.
Summer term
Our new topic is: UK Detectives
Year 3’s will learn about: fractions of quantities and amounts;
measuring time and being able to tell the time on a digital or analogue clock;
geometry (including the properties of shape); measurement (including mass and
Year 4’s
will learn about: decimals; measuring money and being able to solve
problems involving money; measuring time and being able to tell the time on a digital or analogue
clock; statistics; geometry (including the properties of shape and position and
Tables Rock Stars
One of the
things that most pleased me about the Spring term just gone, is how much
children in Class 3 embraced ‘Times Tables Rock Stars’! The speed that some
children are now able to answer any times tables up to 12x12 is nothing short
of incredible. And thank you so much to parents who have also embraced this
effort to get all children knowing their times tables. Now, as we enter the
summer term, I hope that we can continue to work together to keep this
enthusiasm going. Rock on!
Grammar and Writing: Year 3’s will learn about:
inverted commas (speech marks); using paragraphs; expressing time place and
cause using conjunctions, adverbs and prepositions; prefixes and suffixes;
homophones; possesive apostrophes and using a dictionary.
On top of including the Year 3 Grammar listed above in
their writing, Year 4’s will be challenged to: use fronted adverbials
(remembering the comma); use pronouns to avoid repetition and use expanded noun
phrases showing a broader vocabulary of adjectives and prepositional phrases.
Reading/ Speaking and listening: Guided reading is
something we do every day in Class 3 and in these sessions we put a heavy focus
on comprehension, where we talk through what we’ve read and work on
understanding what it means. Children are also encouraged to discuss their own writing with a classmate or a teacher
before they begin and when they produce good work they are given the chance to
read it out loud to the class. Summarising, predicting and questioning are all
important skills that we continually work on in both class and group
The Power of Reading (POR): The POR initiative is something that we are embracing at
Wenhaston Primary and it works on the idea that children shouldn’t just be
taught to read but should also learn to love reading. In Class 3 we will be
reading some highly recommended children books together as a class and through
drama, art and other cross-curricular techniques our aim will be to get all
children feeling enthusiastic about reading.
Summer 1
– States of Matter
will learn to: compare and group materials together, according to whether they
are solids, liquids or gases; observe that some materials change state when
they are heated or cooled, and measure or research the temperature at which
this happens in degrees Celsius (°C); identify the part played by evaporation
and condensation in the water cycle and associate the rate of evaporation with
Summer 2
– Electricity
will learn to: identify common appliances that run on electricity; construct a
simple series electrical circuits, identifying and naming the basic parts;
identify whether or not a lamp will light in a simple series circuit, based on
whether or not the lamp is part of a complete loop with a battery; recognise
that a switch opens and closes a circuit; recognise some common conductors and
insulators, and associate metals with being good conductors.
for the whole of the term will be on Thursdays.
Please make sure P.E kits are in school on Thursdays. In ICT the children will
complete the Discovery Education Coding scheme of work for their year group,
one lesson at a time. Discovery Education will also be a source of learning
during the children’s French lessons. In Music children will learn about tempo,
pitch and rhythm while learning popular songs, both old and new, using Charanga.
Also, starting this term, we have invested in schemes of work for both RE
(Discovery RE) and PSHE (Jigsaw).
UK Detectives:
will focus on the questions: … ‘How and why is my local environment changing?’
and ‘How can we live more sustainably?’ Our Great British Geography topic is also the focus of the home learning this term,
as you will be able to see on the home learning activities list that all Class
3 children will be given. History, Art
and DT will very much be subjects which are dominated by a UK theme as this
term we aim to help the children learn about things a little closer to home.