Friday 29th March
On Tuesday, all of the spelling sentences that we have been tested on so far this year were chopped up and placed under cones on the front playground. After they had all been put out, there were 11 columns and 10 rows of cones with spelling sentences underneath them. Once the activity was all set up, we got into pairs and each pair lined up behind one of the 11 columns of cones. Each pair numbered themselves 1 and 2. For a start, all of the number 1’s were the spellers and the number 2’s read out the sentences. Each pair’s aim was to complete the spellings under the tenth cone and that would mark the finish, having started at the first cone and worked their way up. Pairs could only ‘complete a cone’, and be allowed to move onto the next one, once number 2’s had read out the sentence and number 1’s had identified the spelling words in that sentence and spelt them correctly. Number 2’s were not allowed to offer any help and were only allowed to say ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to number 1’s answers. The first pair to finish received 11 house points each, the second pair 10 and so on. Number 1’s and 2’s then switched their rolls for the next round. They also changed the column of cones they were lining up behind.