Friday, 29 March 2019

Friday 29th March

On Tuesday, all of the spelling sentences that we have been tested on so far this year were chopped up and placed under cones on the front playground. After they had all been put out, there were 11 columns and 10 rows of cones with spelling sentences underneath them. Once the activity was all set up, we got into pairs and each pair lined up behind one of the 11 columns of cones. Each pair numbered themselves 1 and 2. For a start, all of the number 1’s were the spellers and the number 2’s read out the sentences. Each pair’s aim was to complete the spellings under the tenth cone and that would mark the finish, having started at the first cone and worked their way up. Pairs could only ‘complete a cone’, and be allowed to move onto the next one, once number 2’s had read out the sentence and number 1’s had identified the spelling words in that sentence and spelt them correctly. Number 2’s were not allowed to offer any help and were only allowed to say ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to number 1’s answers. The first pair to finish received 11 house points each, the second pair 10 and so on. Number 1’s and 2’s then switched their rolls for the next round. They also changed the column of cones they were lining up behind.

Friday, 22 March 2019

Friday 22nd March

On Wednesday of this week we got 4 laptops and set them up, outside on chairs, on ‘Times Tables Rock Stars’. We also got 4 thrisbys and 2 buckets and set up 4 cones a certain distance away from the buckets. We then had to try and throw the ball in the bucket and if we did then we were allowed to run and answer a calculation on the laptop. The times tables and division problems were set to three minutes and all groups started their 3 minute timer at the same time. Once the 3 minutes was up, the team with the most correctly answered times tables were the winners of that round. We played many different rounds with many different variations on ‘what we had to do to win the chance to answer a calculation’ and, all the while, we were getting plenty of division and multiplication practice in as well.

Friday, 15 March 2019

Friday 15th March

This Wednesday we had our first healthy eating workshop with One Life Suffolk. In this first session we got the chance to think about all of the different things we do that are important for staying healthy. Once we had discussed this, and had a chance to ask any questions we had, it was then time for us to do a bit of biology revision. After getting one member of our group to lay down on a big piece of paper so that we could draw around them, we had to then position the brain, heart, lungs, intestines, kidneys and liver on to our drawn bodies. We also learnt a bit about what each of these organs does and what types of foods are good for them.

Friday, 8 March 2019

Friday 8th March

In science this week we talked about how when a ball is thrown or kicked into the air (a push through contact with a hand or foot) it will then be pulled back down to the ground by gravity (but nothing touched it). This made us ask the question ‘Are there any other ways that forces can act without contact?’
Each of us was then given a paperclip and a piece of stiff card to put it on. We then asked ‘How can you make the paperclip move without touching it?’
A few suggestions were made. ‘Yes, you could tilt the card it’s sitting on – gravity will make it slide downhill but is there any other way it could move without contact?’  Some children suggested blowing it along. ‘If you blow the paperclip along, is it a contact or non-contact force? Yes, it is a contact force because although you can’t see it, the moving air has to touch (make contact with) the paperclip.’
‘What would happen if we used a magnet?’ We investigated this question with everybody being given a magnet and we had to try to make our paperclip move without contact. After being given time to explore this, we learnt that magnets (like gravity) can act without contact.

Friday, 1 March 2019

Friday 1st March

This week the standard of home learning that Class 3 has produced has been very high. Below are some examples of what I mean. I have awarded loads of house points for these amazing pieces of work and hopefully next week I will be able to award loads more. Keep up the great work!