Friday, 28 September 2018

Friday 28th September

All week the children have been completing the task that you can see pictured below. For this task all of the children had to learn the Roman myth ‘Romulus and Remus’ which is the untrue story of how Rome was created. The reason they had to learn the myth is because their challenge was to retell the whole story out loud and they weren’t allowed to simply read it off of the page. All that they were allowed in order to help them remember the story was a story map which they had to make themselves. Their story maps had to contain mostly pictures and they were only allowed to write key words like character and place names on their story maps.

Friday, 21 September 2018

Friday 21st September

On Monday of this week, we continued learning about 'keeping healthy' in our science. In this week's science lesson we revisited our information folders about our clients who we will be advising as we pretend to be personal trainers. Each client has a certain profession and therefore certain dietary needs. Some want to know what they should eat to grow stronger, some want more energy, while others just want to avoid catching every cough and cold going around. Whichever advice our clients want we need to advise them well and so today we attempted to design some possible meals for our clients in order to give them the nutrition they are looking for. In preparation for this we explored the five food groups (carbohydrates, fats and sugars, dairy foods, protein and fruit and vegetables), pausing on each one in order to look at the potential benefits of eating a food from that food group.

Friday, 14 September 2018

Friday 14th September

This week in science we have started our new topic entitled ‘Keeping Healthy’. Earlier in the week, on Monday, we were introduced to some clients that we will become personal trainers for throughout the topic. A lot of the advice we are going to need to give our clients is going to be based on their diet and so yesterday we played a game to revise what types of food humans and other animals eat. This game was called ‘Diet Riot’ and the aim of the game was to correctly group picture cards of animals into herbivores, omnivores and carnivores using our makeshift Venn diagrams made out of PE hoops.

In the first game (pictured above) the children were in groups of 5 and 6 and had to take in turns running into the middle, where the picture cards were scattered, grab a card and take it back to their Venn diagram, positioning it in the correct section. Once all of the cards had disappeared from the centre, each team then counted up how many they managed to sort and the team with the most (correctly sorted) animal picture cards were the winning team. In the second game (pictured below) each team had to first throw their coloured Frisbee into the bucket in the middle before they were allowed to collect a picture card. Each team also had one member who was just in charge of fetching the Frisbee back for their team.