Friday, 9 February 2018

Friday 9th February

In Wednesday’s English lesson we were revising how to write expanded noun phrases. 

We started off by sitting on the carpet and looking at some examples like ‘The kind 

boy with the blond hair helped his friend to carry the books.’ We talked about how the 

sentence starts with the noun phrase, is built on by the adjective and then the extra 

detail is added. We then had a go at writing some expanded noun phrases of our own 

about some African animal scenes. The pictures were laid out on the tables and we had 

to use post it notes to write our expanded noun phrases for each picture and then 

stick them down next to the relevant picture.

Below are pictures of today's English lesson. In our pairs we all had printed off copies of the ‘Lost at the Seaside’ narrative for years 1 to 6. We were told that what we were looking at were expected level pieces of writing for Years 1 to 6. However what we weren’t told was which piece of writing matched which year group. Therefore it was our job to match the writing to the year group. Once we had done this, it was then revealed to us which ones the year 3 and 4 ones were. The Year 3’s then had to look at the Year 3 piece and the Year 4’s at the Year 4 piece in our pairs. We then used highlighters to highlight and label everything about the piece of writing that made it a Year 3 or Year 4 piece of writing.

Friday, 2 February 2018

Friday 2nd February

Above you can see our display board outside of Class 3 that showcases all of the wonderful pieces of home learning that the children have been bringing in this term.

The pictures that you can see below show off some great examples of the African masks that Class 3 children made with Mrs Storer.