Friday, 21 July 2017

Thursday 20th July
Home Learning

Today was our last day at school before the summer holidays! That means you are on holiday now for six weeks so your home learning is to have a lovely time and make sure you've got lots to tell me about when you get back. 

Class 3 in 2016/17 has been a great place to be and that has been thanks to you, the children. To Year 3's I say thank you and see you again soon and to year 4's I say thank you and good luck in Class 4! 

What we have done this week

This week we got the laptops out and used our ICT skills to research one of eight countries. The countries were Sudan, India, Chile, Antarctica, Scotland, Australia, Madagascar and St Lucia. The class was split into eight groups and each group's job was to fill their large piece of paper with as much information as they could about their country. Once our posters were complete we laid them out on our tables and let the rest of the class walk around and read them. Some groups also chose to include a quiz about their country on their poster. These groups tested the rest of the class with their quiz after we had read their poster. 

Friday, 14 July 2017

Friday 14th July
Home Learning

Seeing as next week is a very busy last week of term, and I am not giving you any home learning to do over the summer holidays, there will not be any home learning given out today. 

What we have done this week

On Thursday of this week we had a go at making peppermint creams. We followed Jamie Oliver's recipe ( adding one special ingredient of our own which was the green food colouring. We did this so that we could pretend we were making a revolting treat from Mrs Trafe's (Billionaire Boy) cook book.

This week in maths we have all been creating our own maths board games. Our first job was to design and explain our game in our maths book. In order for our design in our book to be complete it had to be easy for Mr Balls to be able to tell what our board game was going to look like and we had to explain what things we were going to need in order to be able to play it, how many people are needed to play it and what the rules of our board game are. Everybody was working by themselves this week and coming up with their own board games. Once we had explained our designs and ideas we were then given a blank board and allowed to use the resources at the front to create our game. As well as paints and colours there was also some spare cardboard in case we needed to create anything extra for our game. 

In our last lesson of this week we finished off our science topic this term (sound) by making ear defenders to muffle the sound when it reaches our ears. We based our designs on all that we have learnt about sound this term as we tried to use materials that would be best at protecting our hearing. We shaped them to cover as much of our ears as possible.

Friday, 7 July 2017

Friday 7th July
Home Learning

English: This week for your English I have given you the task of correcting a piece of work someone else has done. The sheet shows the incorrect piece of writing on one side and has space for you to write it out correctly on the other. It will be in either your home learning book or your pack.
Maths: For Maths this week I have given you one of two sheets that will be in either your home learning book or your pack. Read the instructions on the sheet carefully when completing it and remember that you can bring anything you don’t understand back to school so that we can explain it to you.

What we have done this week



On Tuesday of this week it was time to present our inventions to each other. It was our job to present our inventions in the style of 'Dragons Den' where we had to convince whoever was judging us that our inventions are worth investing in. We all took it in turns presenting our inventions and being judges. 


On Thursday of this week we were testing out materials in our science lesson in order to find the best insulator of sound. We used buzzers in an electric circuit as our sound sources and then attempted to muffle that sound using a plastic cup, a piece of cloth, some cotton wool and a piece of paper.