Thursday 20th July
Home Learning
Today was our last day at school before the summer holidays! That means you are on holiday now for six weeks so your home learning is to have a lovely time and make sure you've got lots to tell me about when you get back.
Class 3 in 2016/17 has been a great place to be and that has been thanks to you, the children. To Year 3's I say thank you and see you again soon and to year 4's I say thank you and good luck in Class 4!
What we have done this week
This week we got the laptops out and used our ICT skills to research one of eight countries. The countries were Sudan, India, Chile, Antarctica, Scotland, Australia, Madagascar and St Lucia. The class was split into eight groups and each group's job was to fill their large piece of paper with as much information as they could about their country. Once our posters were complete we laid them out on our tables and let the rest of the class walk around and read them. Some groups also chose to include a quiz about their country on their poster. These groups tested the rest of the class with their quiz after we had read their poster.