Saturday, 1 April 2017

Friday 31st March
Home Learning

It's the Easter holidays and I'm not going to give you any home learning to do. You've all worked hard this term just gone and we have learnt a lot together. Make sure you come back after the next two weeks ready to learn some more, enjoy your break and tell me all about it when we see each other again.

What we have done this week

Class 3 have really enjoyed Mr Knights' PE lesson this half term where we have been focusing on hockey. A lot of us have gone from not knowing how to hold a hockey stick to being able to dribble with the ball at speed confidently. The first seven pictures of this week's blog show our lesson with Mr Knights when, because of the lovely weather, we were able to use the big wide space of the football field in order to demonstrate our new found skills.

On Friday we were in the mood to celebrate Easter and the last three pictures of this week's blog show us working in teams to create our very own Easter egg puzzles. In groups of three or four we shared out the twelve puzzle pieces and decorated them ourselves. We then had to use our outlines of the giant Easter eggs to help us piece the pieces all together again. The teams worked really well together and created some great puzzles.