Sunday, 26 February 2017

Friday 24th February
Home Learning

English: This week for your English I would like you research and find as many time conjunctions (sometimes called time connectives) as you can and then list them in your home learning book (if you know some already then write them down and get your list off to a good start). I will award 5 house points to the person with the longest list.

Maths: For Maths this week I would like some of you to look at the picture of the city skyline in your home learning book and try to spot as many vertical, horizontal and diagonal lines as you can, as well as spotting as many pairs of perpendicular and parallel lines as you can. Then next to the drawing of that type of line, I want you to tell me how many you found in Roman numerals. Use the Roman numeral grid at the bottom to help you. If you have not got this task in your home learning book then I instead want you to visit this website and have go at the different more or less games. There are a few different challenges so make sure you move on if you are finding one a bit easy.

Spellings: You also have another 5 spellings this week.

What we have done this week

The first seven pictures of this week's blog show us completing an activity where we are learning about how to structure paragraphs. All of us in Class 3 now know that most paragraphs can be split up into topic, supporting and ending sentences and in the pictured activity we had a job putting paragraphs together again that had been split up in exactly this way.

The following two pictures show some of us completing an extension activity related to our America topic. In this activity the participants had to find as many of the United States of America as they could within a very large word search.

Also in this week's blog you can see a selection of pictures from when we had a tractor come and park in the school car park. It was a great treat for us in Class 3 when our turn came to see the tractor up close and talk to the farmers who had brought it on Wednesday afternoon.

The final two pictures link back again to our English topic of the week which has been on paragraphs. On Friday we got a chance to write some of our own on the topic of American animals and one or two of us were proud enough of what we had produced to want to read ours aloud to the rest of the class.  

Monday, 13 February 2017

Friday 10th February
Home Learning

You do not have any home learning to complete over half term. Having said this, any chance you get to read, do some times tables or spelling practice is great practice for when you get back. Have a great week, I look forward to hearing all about it.

What we have done this week

The first four pictures in this week's blog show Wednesday's and Thursday's Maths lessons. On Wednesday we had a ‘times tables snap tournament'. Each pair had a pack of cards which had various times tables printed upon them, various digits printed on them and various written numbers printed on them. Other than the cards it was a normal game of snap where if the subsequent card equalled the same answer as the one before it was a ‘snap’. The time playing against the same partner was marked by a timer and when the time was up pairs would switch around. We did the same thing on Thursday but this time it was a ‘fractions snap tournament’ where each pair's cards had various ways of representing different fractions (pictures, words and numerator and denominator) printed on them.

The last picture shows our Science lesson from Thursday afternoon. In this lesson we completed a forces and magnets quiz. First we had to grab a piece of scrap paper each and cut it into 18 pieces. Then we had to write our names on each and every piece. We had some boxes at the front labelled ‘A, B, C, D and E’. During the quiz we had to select our answer to each question by putting our names in one of the boxes at the front. After the correct answer had been revealed all of the names in that box were tipped into the lucky dip bag whilst all of the other boxes were tipped into the bin (of doom). Come the end of all eighteen questions Mr Balls picked a name out of the lucky dip bag and that person won ten house points! The more times we answered a question correctly, the more times our names went in the bag, the more chance we had of being selected and the more chance we had of winning the house points.

Sunday, 5 February 2017

Friday 3rd February
Home Learning

English: This week for your English I would like you to fill in the gaps on the missing pronouns sheet I have stuck in your home learning book. The task is explained in more detail on the sheet and the missing pronouns are provided in order to support you, all you need to do is organise them correctly.
Maths: For Maths this week I would like you to use the website link in your home learning book to find out 3 new maths terms that you didn’t know before. For example, you might want to find out what a rhombus is or understand how to find the square root of a number. Write down your terms and what they mean in your home learning books, doing your best to impress me with your research skills.

Spellings: You also have another 5 spellings this week.

What we have done this week

The first 7 pictures of this week's blog show us looking at and adapting some poetry. All this week in our English lessons we have been concentrating on the importance of pronouns. Our first job in the pictured lesson was to go through a selected poem with a highlighter and highlight all of the pronouns that we could find in pairs. Once we had done this, our next job was to change those pronouns into proper nouns and then read our 'silly poems' aloud to the class. These 'silly poems' helped us to understand the importance of pronouns because the overuse of proper nouns can make our writing sound less interesting and silly.

The final two pictures of this week's blog show our first activity of this week's Science lesson. In last week's lesson we got into groups of 3 or 4 and thought of question we would like to investigate about magnets. All of the individual groups with their individual questions then planned their investigations, making sure that they listed the equipment they would need to carry them out and their predictions of their results. At the start of this week's lesson our equipment was ready for us so that we could start carrying out our investigations straight away. Our investigations ended in some interesting results and, as always in science, a lot more questions.